Fork 0
root 2019-08-28 16:58:30 +02:00
parent 58c8ecc682
commit 7dd9ec5fd5
5 changed files with 54 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
= ipset updater
= install
* git clone this
* launch ./install.sh
* launch ./ipset_update.sh for first time

install.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
echo "30 12 * * * root /opt/ipset_updater/ipset_update.sh >> /var/log/blacklist_update.log" > /etc/cron.d/ipset_update
chmod a+x /etc/cron.d/ipset_update
systemctl restart cron.service

View File

@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
echo "Runinng list update"
date_good=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"`
echo "* ${date_good} Runinng list update"
python ./lists_updater.py
echo "Create ipset blocklists if not existing"
echo "* Create ipset blocklists if not already existing"
ipset create blacklist_net -exist hash:net family inet hashsize 16777216 maxelem 16777216
ipset create blacklist_ipv4 -exist hash:ip family inet hashsize 16777216 maxelem 16777216
ipset create blacklist_ipv6 -exist hash:net family inet hashsize 16777216 maxelem 16777216
#ipset create blacklist_ipv6 -exist hash:net family inet hashsize 16777216 maxelem 16777216
echo "Import lists into ipset"
echo "* Import lists into ipset"
echo "== Import ipv4 ipset"
ipset restore < ipset_ipv4.set
#echo "== Import ipv6 ipset"
#ipset restore < ipset_ipv6.set
echo "== Import subnets ipset"
ipset restore < ipset_subnets.set
echo "Saving ipset"
echo "* Saving ipset"
ipset save > /etc/ipset.conf
echo "* Cleanup ipset files"
rm ./ipset_ipv4.set
rm ./ipset_ipv6.set
#rm ./ipset_ipv6.set
rm ./ipset_subnets.set

View File

@ -3,12 +3,15 @@
@ -16,7 +19,11 @@

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import os
import json
import pprint
import requests
import re
import ipaddress
print('Reading lists of URL to download')
with open("lists.json","r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
@ -28,16 +28,22 @@ def is_ipv4(ip):
return False
def is_ipv6(ip):
ip_addr = ipaddress.IPv6Address(ip)
except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
return False
return ip_addr.version == 6
def extract_ipv6(source):
return re.findall(regex_ipv6_cidr,source)
def is_ipv6_subnet(ip):
addr = ipaddress.IPv6Network(ip)
except Exception as e:
return False
return True
#if re.match("^(((?=.*(::))(?!.*\3.+\3))\3?|[\dA-F]{1,4}:)([\dA-F]{1,4}(\3|:\b)|\2){5}(([\dA-F]{1,4}(\3|:\b|$)|\2){2}|(((2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d|25[0-5])\.?\b){4})\Z",ip):
# return True
# return False
def download_list(list_name,list_url):
print("- Downloading {}".format(list_name))
@ -45,18 +51,19 @@ def download_list(list_name,list_url):
filedata = requests.get(list_url).content.split('\n')
except Exception as e:
print("Error downloading {} : {}".format(list_name,e))
return filedata
def update_ipset_files():
ipv4_list = []
ipv6_list = []
net_list = []
for elem in ['ipv4','ipv6','net']:
for elem in ['ipv4','net']:
print("= Update {}".format(elem))
elem_list = []
for key,url in data['lists'][elem].iteritems():
dl_list = download_list(key,url)
ipv4_tab = []
@ -75,17 +82,16 @@ def update_ipset_files():
if elem == "net":
if is_subnet(line):
subnet_tab.append("add blacklist_net {} -exist".format(line))
if elem == "ipv4": ipv4_list.extend(ipv4_tab)
if elem == "ipv6": ipv6_list.extend(ipv6_tab)
if elem == "net": net_list.extend(subnet_tab)
ipv4_list = sorted(set(ipv4_list))
ipv6_list = sorted(set(ipv6_list))
inet_list = sorted(set(net_list))