diff --git a/libtisbackup/backup_oracle.py b/libtisbackup/backup_oracle.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63655b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libtisbackup/backup_oracle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This file is part of TISBackup
+# TISBackup is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# TISBackup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with TISBackup. If not, see .
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+import sys
+ sys.stderr = open('/dev/null') # Silence silly warnings from paramiko
+ import paramiko
+except ImportError,e:
+ print "Error : can not load paramiko library %s" % e
+ raise
+sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
+import datetime
+import base64
+import os
+from common import *
+class backup_oracle(backup_generic):
+ """Backup a oracle database as zipped file through ssh"""
+ type = 'oracle+ssh'
+ required_params = backup_generic.required_params + ['db_name','private_key']
+ optional_params = ['username', 'remote_backup_dir']
+ db_name=''
+ username='oracle'
+ remote_backup_dir = r'/home/oracle/backup'
+ def do_backup(self,stats):
+ self.logger.debug('[%s] Connecting to %s with user root and key %s',self.backup_name,self.server_name,self.private_key)
+ try:
+ mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(self.private_key)
+ except paramiko.SSHException:
+ mykey = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(self.private_key)
+ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ ssh.connect(self.server_name,username=self.username,pkey = mykey,port=self.ssh_port)
+ t = datetime.datetime.now()
+ backup_start_date = t.strftime('%Y%m%d-%Hh%Mm%S')
+ # dump db
+ stats['status']='Dumping'
+ cmd = 'expdp / full=Y compression=all directory=' + self.remote_backup_dir +' dumpfile=' + self.db_name + '_' + backup_start_date+'.dmp logfile=expd_' + self.db_name + '_' + backup_start_date +'.log'
+ self.logger.debug('[%s] Dump DB : %s',self.backup_name,cmd)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ (error_code,output) = ssh_exec(cmd,ssh=ssh)
+ self.logger.debug("[%s] Output of %s :\n%s",self.backup_name,cmd,output)
+ if error_code:
+ raise Exception('Aborting, Not null exit code (%i) for "%s"' % (error_code,cmd))
+ # zip the file
+ stats['status']='Zipping'
+ cmd = '/usr/bin/pigz --best --verbose --rsyncable ' + self.remote_backup_dir + '/'+ self.db_name + '_' + backup_start_date+'.dmp'
+ self.logger.debug('[%s] Compress backup : %s',self.backup_name,cmd)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ (error_code,output) = ssh_exec(cmd,ssh=ssh)
+ self.logger.debug("[%s] Output of %s :\n%s",self.backup_name,cmd,output)
+ if error_code:
+ raise Exception('Aborting, Not null exit code (%i) for "%s"' % (error_code,cmd))
+ # get the file
+ stats['status']='SFTP'
+ filepath = self.remote_backup_dir + '/'+ self.db_name + '_' + backup_start_date+'.dmp.gz'
+ localpath = os.path.join(self.backup_dir , self.db_name + '-' + backup_start_date + '.dmp.gz')
+ self.logger.debug('[%s] Get gz backup with sftp on %s from %s to %s',self.backup_name,self.server_name,filepath,localpath)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ transport = ssh.get_transport()
+ sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
+ sftp.get(filepath, localpath)
+ sftp.close()
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ stats['total_files_count']=1
+ stats['written_files_count']=1
+ stats['total_bytes']=os.stat(localpath).st_size
+ stats['written_bytes']=os.stat(localpath).st_size
+ stats['log']='gzip dump of DB %s:%s (%d bytes) to %s' % (self.server_name,self.db_name, stats['written_bytes'], localpath)
+ stats['backup_location'] = localpath
+ stats['status']='RMTemp'
+ cmd = 'rm -f '+self.remote_backup_dir + '/' +self.db_name + '_' + backup_start_date+'.dmp.gz'
+ self.logger.debug('[%s] Remove temp gzip : %s',self.backup_name,cmd)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ (error_code,output) = ssh_exec(cmd,ssh=ssh)
+ self.logger.debug("[%s] Output of %s :\n%s",self.backup_name,cmd,output)
+ if error_code:
+ raise Exception('Aborting, Not null exit code (%i) for "%s"' % (error_code,cmd))
+ cmd = 'rm -f '+self.remote_backup_dir + '/' + self.db_name + '_' + backup_start_date+'.dmp'
+ self.logger.debug('[%s] Remove temp dump : %s',self.backup_name,cmd)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ (error_code,output) = ssh_exec(cmd,ssh=ssh)
+ self.logger.debug("[%s] Output of %s :\n%s",self.backup_name,cmd,output)
+ if error_code:
+ raise Exception('Aborting, Not null exit code (%i) for "%s"' % (error_code,cmd))
+ stats['status']='OK'
+ def register_existingbackups(self):
+ """scan backup dir and insert stats in database"""
+ registered = [b['backup_location'] for b in self.dbstat.query('select distinct backup_location from stats where backup_name=?',(self.backup_name,))]
+ filelist = os.listdir(self.backup_dir)
+ filelist.sort()
+ p = re.compile('^%s-(?P\d{8,8}-\d{2,2}h\d{2,2}m\d{2,2}).sql.gz$' % self.db_name)
+ for item in filelist:
+ sr = p.match(item)
+ if sr:
+ file_name = os.path.join(self.backup_dir,item)
+ start = datetime.datetime.strptime(sr.groups()[0],'%Y%m%d-%Hh%Mm%S').isoformat()
+ if not file_name in registered:
+ self.logger.info('Registering %s from %s',file_name,fileisodate(file_name))
+ size_bytes = int(os.popen('du -sb "%s"' % file_name).read().split('\t')[0])
+ self.logger.debug(' Size in bytes : %i',size_bytes)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ self.dbstat.add(self.backup_name,self.server_name,'',\
+ backup_start=start,backup_end=fileisodate(file_name),status='OK',total_bytes=size_bytes,backup_location=file_name)
+ else:
+ self.logger.info('Skipping %s from %s, already registered',file_name,fileisodate(file_name))