import re import time import redis from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError from huey.backends.base import BaseDataStore from huey.backends.base import BaseEventEmitter from huey.backends.base import BaseQueue from huey.backends.base import BaseSchedule from huey.utils import EmptyData def clean_name(name): return re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '', name) class RedisQueue(BaseQueue): """ A simple Queue that uses the redis to store messages """ def __init__(self, name, **connection): """ connection = { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379, 'db': 0, } """ super(RedisQueue, self).__init__(name, **connection) self.queue_name = 'huey.redis.%s' % clean_name(name) self.conn = redis.Redis(**connection) def write(self, data): self.conn.lpush(self.queue_name, data) def read(self): return self.conn.rpop(self.queue_name) def remove(self, data): return self.conn.lrem(self.queue_name, data) def flush(self): self.conn.delete(self.queue_name) def __len__(self): return self.conn.llen(self.queue_name) class RedisBlockingQueue(RedisQueue): """ Use the blocking right pop, should result in messages getting executed close to immediately by the consumer as opposed to being polled for """ blocking = True def __init__(self, name, read_timeout=None, **connection): """ connection = { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379, 'db': 0, } """ super(RedisBlockingQueue, self).__init__(name, **connection) self.read_timeout = read_timeout def read(self): try: return self.conn.brpop( self.queue_name, timeout=self.read_timeout)[1] except (ConnectionError, TypeError, IndexError): # unfortunately, there is no way to differentiate a socket timing # out and a host being unreachable return None # a custom lua script to pass to redis that will read tasks from the schedule # and atomically pop them from the sorted set and return them. # it won't return anything if it isn't able to remove the items it reads. SCHEDULE_POP_LUA = """ local key = KEYS[1] local unix_ts = ARGV[1] local res ='zrangebyscore', key, '-inf', unix_ts) if #res and'zremrangebyscore', key, '-inf', unix_ts) == #res then return res end """ class RedisSchedule(BaseSchedule): def __init__(self, name, **connection): super(RedisSchedule, self).__init__(name, **connection) self.key = 'huey.schedule.%s' % clean_name(name) self.conn = redis.Redis(**connection) self._pop = self.conn.register_script(SCHEDULE_POP_LUA) def convert_ts(self, ts): return time.mktime(ts.timetuple()) def add(self, data, ts): self.conn.zadd(self.key, data, self.convert_ts(ts)) def read(self, ts): unix_ts = self.convert_ts(ts) # invoke the redis lua script that will atomically pop off # all the tasks older than the given timestamp tasks = self._pop(keys=[self.key], args=[unix_ts]) return [] if tasks is None else tasks def flush(self): self.conn.delete(self.key) class RedisDataStore(BaseDataStore): def __init__(self, name, **connection): super(RedisDataStore, self).__init__(name, **connection) self.storage_name = 'huey.results.%s' % clean_name(name) self.conn = redis.Redis(**connection) def put(self, key, value): self.conn.hset(self.storage_name, key, value) def peek(self, key): if self.conn.hexists(self.storage_name, key): return self.conn.hget(self.storage_name, key) return EmptyData def get(self, key): val = self.peek(key) if val is not EmptyData: self.conn.hdel(self.storage_name, key) return val def flush(self): self.conn.delete(self.storage_name) class RedisEventEmitter(BaseEventEmitter): def __init__(self, channel, **connection): super(RedisEventEmitter, self).__init__(channel, **connection) self.conn = redis.Redis(**connection) def emit(self, message): self.conn.publish(, message) Components = (RedisBlockingQueue, RedisDataStore, RedisSchedule, RedisEventEmitter)