#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is part of TISBackup # # TISBackup is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # TISBackup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with TISBackup. If not, see . # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys try: sys.stderr = open("/dev/null") # Silence silly warnings from paramiko import paramiko except ImportError as e: print(("Error : can not load paramiko library %s" % e)) raise sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ from libtisbackup.common import * class backup_mysql(backup_generic): """Backup a mysql database as gzipped sql file through ssh""" type = "mysql+ssh" required_params = backup_generic.required_params + ["db_user", "db_passwd", "private_key"] optional_params = backup_generic.optional_params + ["db_name"] db_name = "" db_user = "" db_passwd = "" dest_dir = "" def do_backup(self, stats): self.dest_dir = os.path.join(self.backup_dir, self.backup_start_date) if not os.path.isdir(self.dest_dir): if not self.dry_run: os.makedirs(self.dest_dir) else: print(('mkdir "%s"' % self.dest_dir)) else: raise Exception("backup destination directory already exists : %s" % self.dest_dir) self.logger.debug("[%s] Connecting to %s with user root and key %s", self.backup_name, self.server_name, self.private_key) try: mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(self.private_key) except paramiko.SSHException: # mykey = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(self.private_key) mykey = paramiko.Ed25519Key.from_private_key_file(self.private_key) self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh.connect(self.server_name, username="root", pkey=mykey, port=self.ssh_port) self.db_passwd = self.db_passwd.replace("$", "\$") if not self.db_name: stats["log"] = "Successfully backuping processed to the following databases :" stats["status"] = "List" cmd = 'mysql -N -B -p -e "SHOW DATABASES;" -u ' + self.db_user + " -p" + self.db_passwd + " 2> /dev/null" self.logger.debug("[%s] List databases: %s", self.backup_name, cmd) (error_code, output) = ssh_exec(cmd, ssh=self.ssh) self.logger.debug("[%s] Output of %s :\n%s", self.backup_name, cmd, output) if error_code: raise Exception('Aborting, Not null exit code (%i) for "%s"' % (error_code, cmd)) databases = output.split("\n") for database in databases: if database != "": self.db_name = database.rstrip() self.do_mysqldump(stats) else: stats["log"] = "Successfully backup processed to the following database :" self.do_mysqldump(stats) def do_mysqldump(self, stats): t = datetime.datetime.now() backup_start_date = t.strftime("%Y%m%d-%Hh%Mm%S") # dump db stats["status"] = "Dumping" cmd = ( "mysqldump --single-transaction -u" + self.db_user + " -p" + self.db_passwd + " " + self.db_name + " > /tmp/" + self.db_name + "-" + backup_start_date + ".sql" ) self.logger.debug("[%s] Dump DB : %s", self.backup_name, cmd) if not self.dry_run: (error_code, output) = ssh_exec(cmd, ssh=self.ssh) print(output) self.logger.debug("[%s] Output of %s :\n%s", self.backup_name, cmd, output) if error_code: raise Exception('Aborting, Not null exit code (%i) for "%s"' % (error_code, cmd)) # zip the file stats["status"] = "Zipping" cmd = "gzip /tmp/" + self.db_name + "-" + backup_start_date + ".sql" self.logger.debug("[%s] Compress backup : %s", self.backup_name, cmd) if not self.dry_run: (error_code, output) = ssh_exec(cmd, ssh=self.ssh) self.logger.debug("[%s] Output of %s :\n%s", self.backup_name, cmd, output) if error_code: raise Exception('Aborting, Not null exit code (%i) for "%s"' % (error_code, cmd)) # get the file stats["status"] = "SFTP" filepath = "/tmp/" + self.db_name + "-" + backup_start_date + ".sql.gz" localpath = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, self.db_name + ".sql.gz") self.logger.debug("[%s] Get gz backup with sftp on %s from %s to %s", self.backup_name, self.server_name, filepath, localpath) if not self.dry_run: transport = self.ssh.get_transport() sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) sftp.get(filepath, localpath) sftp.close() if not self.dry_run: stats["total_files_count"] = 1 + stats.get("total_files_count", 0) stats["written_files_count"] = 1 + stats.get("written_files_count", 0) stats["total_bytes"] = os.stat(localpath).st_size + stats.get("total_bytes", 0) stats["written_bytes"] = os.stat(localpath).st_size + stats.get("written_bytes", 0) stats["log"] = '%s "%s"' % (stats["log"], self.db_name) stats["backup_location"] = self.dest_dir stats["status"] = "RMTemp" cmd = "rm -f /tmp/" + self.db_name + "-" + backup_start_date + ".sql.gz" self.logger.debug("[%s] Remove temp gzip : %s", self.backup_name, cmd) if not self.dry_run: (error_code, output) = ssh_exec(cmd, ssh=self.ssh) self.logger.debug("[%s] Output of %s :\n%s", self.backup_name, cmd, output) if error_code: raise Exception('Aborting, Not null exit code (%i) for "%s"' % (error_code, cmd)) stats["status"] = "OK" def register_existingbackups(self): """scan backup dir and insert stats in database""" registered = [ b["backup_location"] for b in self.dbstat.query("select distinct backup_location from stats where backup_name=?", (self.backup_name,)) ] filelist = os.listdir(self.backup_dir) filelist.sort() p = re.compile("^\d{8,8}-\d{2,2}h\d{2,2}m\d{2,2}$") for item in filelist: if p.match(item): dir_name = os.path.join(self.backup_dir, item) if dir_name not in registered: start = datetime.datetime.strptime(item, "%Y%m%d-%Hh%Mm%S").isoformat() if fileisodate(dir_name) > start: stop = fileisodate(dir_name) else: stop = start self.logger.info("Registering %s started on %s", dir_name, start) self.logger.debug(" Disk usage %s", 'du -sb "%s"' % dir_name) if not self.dry_run: size_bytes = int(os.popen('du -sb "%s"' % dir_name).read().split("\t")[0]) else: size_bytes = 0 self.logger.debug(" Size in bytes : %i", size_bytes) if not self.dry_run: self.dbstat.add( self.backup_name, self.server_name, "", backup_start=start, backup_end=stop, status="OK", total_bytes=size_bytes, backup_location=dir_name, ) else: self.logger.info("Skipping %s, already registered", dir_name) register_driver(backup_mysql)