322 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
322 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of TISBackup
# TISBackup is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TISBackup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with TISBackup. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import os,sys
from shutil import *
from iniparse import ConfigParser
from libtisbackup.common import *
import time
from flask import request, Flask, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort, render_template, flash, jsonify
from urlparse import urlparse
import simplejson as json
import glob
from uwsgidecorators import *
from tisbackup import tis_backup
import logging
import re
CONFIG = uwsgi.opt['config']
SECTIONS = uwsgi.opt['sections']
ADMIN_EMAIL = uwsgi.opt.get('ADMIN_EMAIL',uwsgi.opt.get('admin_email'))
spooler = uwsgi.opt['spooler']
tisbackup_config_file= uwsgi.opt['config']
cp = ConfigParser()
backup_base_dir = cp.get('global','backup_base_dir')
dbstat = BackupStat(os.path.join(backup_base_dir,'log','tisbackup.sqlite'))
mindate = None
error = None
info = None
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'fsiqefiuqsefARZ4Zfesfe34234dfzefzfe'
app.config['PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = True
def read_config():
config_file = CONFIG
cp = ConfigParser()
backup_base_dir = cp.get('global','backup_base_dir')
backup = tis_backup(backup_base_dir=backup_base_dir)
backup_sections = SECTIONS or []
all_sections = [backup_item.backup_name for backup_item in backup.backup_list]
if not backup_sections:
backup_sections = all_sections
for b in backup_sections:
if not b in all_sections:
raise Exception('Section %s is not defined in config file' % b)
result = []
if not backup_sections:
sections = [backup_item.backup_name for backup_item in backup.backup_list]
for backup_item in backup.backup_list:
if backup_item.backup_name in backup_sections:
b = {}
for attrib_name in backup_item.required_params+backup_item.required_params:
if hasattr(backup_item,attrib_name):
b[attrib_name] = getattr(backup_item,attrib_name)
backup_dict = {}
backup_dict['rsync_ssh_list'] = []
backup_dict['rsync_list'] = []
backup_dict['null_list'] = []
backup_dict['pgsql_list'] = []
backup_dict['mysql_list'] = []
backup_dict['xva_list'] = []
backup_dict['metadata_list'] = []
backup_dict['switch_list'] = []
for row in result:
backup_name = row['backup_name']
server_name = row['server_name']
backup_type = row['type']
if backup_type == "xcp-dump-metadata":
backup_dict['metadata_list'].append([server_name, backup_name, backup_type, ""])
if backup_type == "rsync+ssh":
remote_dir = row['remote_dir']
backup_dict['rsync_ssh_list'].append([server_name, backup_name, backup_type,remote_dir])
if backup_type == "rsync":
remote_dir = row['remote_dir']
backup_dict['rsync_list'].append([server_name, backup_name, backup_type,remote_dir])
if backup_type == "null":
backup_dict['null_list'].append([server_name, backup_name, backup_type, ""])
if backup_type == "pgsql+ssh":
db_name = row['db_name']
backup_dict['pgsql_list'].append([server_name, backup_name, backup_type, db_name])
if backup_type == "mysql+ssh":
db_name = row['db_name']
backup_dict['mysql_list'].append([server_name, backup_name, backup_type, db_name])
if backup_type == "xen-xva":
backup_dict['xva_list'].append([server_name, backup_name, backup_type, ""])
if backup_type == "switch":
backup_dict['switch_list'].append([server_name, backup_name, backup_type, ""])
return backup_dict
def backup_all():
backup_dict = read_config()
return render_template('backups.html', backup_list = backup_dict)
def backup_json():
backup_dict = read_config()
return json.dumps(backup_dict['rsync_list']+backup_dict['rsync_ssh_list']+backup_dict['pgsql_list']+backup_dict['mysql_list']+backup_dict['xva_list']+backup_dict['null_list']+backup_dict['metadata_list']+ backup_dict['switch_list'])
#def check_usb_disk():
# """This method returns the mounts point of FIRST external disk"""
# disk_name = []
# for name in glob.glob('/dev/sd[a-z]'):
# for line in os.popen("udevinfo --query=env --name %s" % name):
# if "ID_BUS=usb" in line:
# disk_name += [ name ]
# if len(disk_name) == 0:
# raise_error("cannot find external usb disk", "You should plug the usb hard drive into the server")
# return ""
# elif len(disk_name) > 1:
# raise_error("There are many usb disk", "You should plug remove one of them")
# return ""
# else:
# disk_name = disk_name[0]
# flash("The first usb media is: %s" % disk_name)
# if os.path.exists(disk_name+"1"):
# flash("partition found: %s1" % disk_name)
# partition_name = disk_name+"1"
# else:
# raise_error("No partition exist", "You should initialize the usb drive")
# return ""
# if not "tisbackup" in os.popen("/sbin/dumpe2fs -h %s 2>&1 |/bin/grep 'volume name'" % partition_name).read():
# raise_error("the label is not vaid", "You should use 'TISBACKUP' label")
# return ""
# if not "ext4" in os.popen("/sbin/fsck -N %s 2>&1" % partition_name).read():
# raise_error("bad file system", "You should format usb drive into ext4")
# return ""
# return partition_name
def check_usb_disk():
"""This method returns the mounts point of FIRST external disk"""
# disk_name = []
usb_disk_list = []
for name in glob.glob('/dev/sd[a-z]'):
for line in os.popen("udevadm info -q env -n %s" % name):
if re.match("ID_PATH=.*usb.*", line):
usb_disk_list += [ name ]
if len(usb_disk_list) == 0:
raise_error("cannot find external usb disk", "You should plug the usb hard drive into the server")
return ""
print usb_disk_list
usb_partition_list = []
for usb_disk in usb_disk_list:
cmd = "udevadm info -q path -n %s" % usb_disk + '1'
output = os.popen(cmd).read()
print "cmd : " + cmd
print "output : " + output
if '/devices/pci' in output:
#flash("partition found: %s1" % usb_disk)
usb_partition_list.append(usb_disk + "1")
print usb_partition_list
tisbackup_partition_list = []
for usb_partition in usb_partition_list:
if "tisbackup" in os.popen("/sbin/dumpe2fs -h %s 2>&1 |/bin/grep 'volume name'" % usb_partition).read().lower():
flash("tisbackup backup partition found: %s" % usb_partition)
print tisbackup_partition_list
if len(tisbackup_partition_list) ==0:
raise_error("No tisbackup partition exist on external disk", "You should initialize the usb drive and set TISBACKUP label on ext4 partition")
return ""
if len(tisbackup_partition_list) > 1:
raise_error("There are many usb disk", "You should plug remove one of them")
return ""
return tisbackup_partition_list[0]
def check_mount_disk(partition_name, refresh):
flash("check if disk is mounted")
f = open('/proc/mounts')
lines = f.readlines()
mount_point = ""
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(partition_name):
already_mounted = True
mount_point = line.split(' ')[1]
if not refresh:
if already_mounted == True:
os.system("/bin/umount %s" % mount_point)
mount_point = "/mnt/" + str(time.time())
flash("must mount " + partition_name )
cmd = "mount %s %s" % (partition_name, mount_point)
flash("executing : " + cmd)
result = os.popen(cmd+" 2>&1").read()
if len(result) > 1:
raise_error(result, "You should manualy mount the usb drive")
return ""
return mount_point
def export_backup_status():
exports = dbstat.query('select * from stats where TYPE="EXPORT" and backup_start>="%s"' % mindate)
return jsonify(data=exports)
def last_backup_json():
exports = dbstat.query('select * from stats where TYPE="BACKUP" ORDER BY backup_start DESC ')
return jsonify(data=exports)
def last_backup():
exports = dbstat.query('select * from stats where TYPE="BACKUP" ORDER BY backup_start DESC LIMIT 20 ')
return render_template("last_backups.html", backups=exports)
def export_backup():
raise_error("", "")
noJobs = ( len(os.listdir(spooler)) == 0 )
if "start" in request.args.keys() or not noJobs:
partition_name = check_usb_disk()
if partition_name:
if noJobs:
mount_point = check_mount_disk( partition_name, False)
mount_point = check_mount_disk( partition_name, True)
if noJobs:
global mindate
mindate = datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.now())
if not error and start:
run_export_backup.spool(base=backup_base_dir, config_file=tisbackup_config_file, mount_point=mount_point)
return render_template("export_backup.html", error=error, start=start, info=info, email=ADMIN_EMAIL)
def raise_error(strError, strInfo):
global error, info
error = strError
info = strInfo
def cleanup():
if os.path.isdir(spooler):
print "cleanup ", spooler
def run_export_backup(args):
logger = logging.getLogger('tisbackup')
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
# Main
logger.info("Running export....")
backup_sections = []
backup = tis_backup(dry_run=False,verbose=True,backup_base_dir=args['base'])
mount_point = args['mount_point']
os.system("/bin/umount %s" % mount_point)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host='',port=8000, debug=True)